Home - Department of History


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Welcome to the History Department at Roberts Wesleyan University. We are delighted that you have taken the time to consider the benefits of a History, History Education (Social Studies), or Pre-Law degree.

The study of history offers one of the best avenues for the on-going understanding of the past—its people and cultures—and the present. Our undergraduate program focuses on European, American, and non-Western History. One of our most important goals is to help students develop a rich and rewarding study of the human past, in all its complexities. Students will find our faculty to be caring and committed scholars and teachers, with more than fifty years of combined experience in the classroom.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

The History Faculty

Related Majors

Adolescence Education Social Studies - Become a Social Studies Teacher through our Adolescent Education Social Studies program and change the lives of future generations.
Pre-Law - As a Pre-Law Major, completing this course of study will allow students to receive a Bachelor of Arts in History/Pre-Law degree and be able to apply to Law Schools.
Kelly Fasoldt - (585) 594-6327 - history@whqlhg.com